Synod 2024 Begin in grand style

Synod 2024 Begin in grand style

St Luke’s Church was agog as the third Session of the Fourteenth Synod kicked off with the Diocesan Board meeting, presided over by the Diocesan and President of Synod, His lordship, the Rt Rev’d C E Ide, JP. In attendance were our beloved mother in Israel, Mrs Patience O. E. Ide, the Chancellor, Justice Z Smith and the legal team, Diocesan Officials, Clergy and Laity.

Overcoming requires complete dependence on God’s directions, for a purposeful living, for fulfilment and strength – Bp Ide

Synod theme
His lordship announced that the theme and text for the Synod is *Overcoming: The birthright of Christians (1 John 5:5).

This shall be fully explored in the sermons, bible studies and in the the Bishop’s Charge.

Highlights of the Board included the presentation of various reports, which were duly discussed.
His lordship called for prayers about the Igbudu land, which is still in court.

Decision was taken on how to sponsor more of our youths to the Joshua Generation International Youth Conference, as its impact have been tremendous.

His lordship also announced his daughter’s wedding coming up June 1, 2024,

To round off the events of the day, the lord Bishop announced it was the Chancellor’s birthday, today. He led the board to sing for him. A cake was presented in his honour with refreshments distributed to all. After which the Ven. Friday Ejemrae, was asked to pray for him.

Remember God’s promises over your life – Bishop Ide

Remember God’s promises over your life – Bishop Ide

When we walk through a season of uncertainty in life and God seems silent, we need to remind ourselves that God has good plans for us (Jeremiah 29:11).

It’s my prayer that whenever you feel blinded by fear and uncertainty, may you remember God’s promises over your life, and may testimonies follow. In Jesus’ name. Happy New Month. +Bp

2024: The Upward Way

2024: The Upward Way

As you lift up your soul unto the LORD, may you triumph over your enemies (Psalm 25:1-2); and may they lose their self confidence (Nehemiah 6:16) as the LORD grants you success in your life’s endeavours. In Jesus Christ’s name.

Happy New Year. +

#Thanksgiving: Six years ago, God delivered our Bishop

#Thanksgiving: Six years ago, God delivered our Bishop

People of God, this time six years ago, our ever faithful God removed sorrow from us all by preserving the life of our father, the Rt Rev’d C E Ide, JP in a ghastly motor accident on his way from a national assignment.

We must count this blessing and return every glory to the King of kings.

Drop your words of thanksgiving section to appreciate the great I Am that I Am

Diocese of Warri Holds A One-day Synod

Diocese of Warri Holds A One-day Synod

…Elects new Clerical Synod Secretary

… Passes resolution to open her own MFB

On the 18th day of November 2023 will go down the history books as a memorable day for Diocese of Warri as she held a one-day synod, at St. James’ church, Oviorie Ovu.

The synod started with a Holy Eucharist service at 10am, with the Diocesan and President of Synod, His lordship, the Rt Rev’d. Christian Esezi Ide, JP, presiding. His lordship also delivered the sermon.
Theme: The Upward Way
Text: Genesis 28:12ff

He emphasized the need for the Diocese to move forward. He charged Synod delegates to resolve to be led by the Holy Spirit in the various areas we need to decide on today as the Diocese has no other option than to move to the next level.

“After the Eucharistic service, the plenary section immediately followed with the President of Synod presiding.”

The President of Synod informed the house of the need to gather for a day synod which is a practice in the Church of Nigeria, when there is an urgent issue that only synod can resolve.

Firstly, was the vacant office of the synod clerical secretary – this need arose due to the fact that the former synod clerical secretary in person of Ven. Dr Robinson Orido, has relocated to the United Kingdom with his family.

Secondly, the future of the Diocese in respect of having a sustainable investment that will benefit her.

His lordship also informed Synod that in line with the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) directive, all Dioceses are to be identified with the words ‘Diocese of’ preceding its name. As such, a resolution is needed to register the Diocese with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) as the “Diocese of Warri” (Anglican Communion). Following a voice vote, Synod unanimously voted in support of the ratification.

The President of synod, made it known to synod that synod cannot continue, without the synod clerical secretary, who also is a principal signatory and an incorporated trustee of the Diocese. An election was conducted and the Rev’d Canon Peters Agamugoro, Ph.D was elected the new synod clerical secretary.

The next concern, focusing on the Diocese’s future and its pursuit of a sustainable investment for the benefit of the Diocese, involved a proposal to establish a Microfinance Bank. Numerous discussions and informative sessions were conducted on this matter. After an extensive deliberation, both the houses of clergy and laity unanimously agreed to proceed with establishing the Microfinance Bank.

The Rt Rev’d & Mrs C. E Ide, JP

The proposed name for the bank is ‘Divine Stairway Microfinance Bank, as given by the Diocesan and President of Synod. The Bishop charged the committee to proceed with the preparations and set out the modalities for the bank to swiftly takeoff.

Bishop’s Blessing for July

Bishop’s Blessing for July

Every temptation we face is often laced with a lie to deceive us that God is not good, not trustworthy, and does not have our best interests at heart (cf Matthew 4:6:11).

May God help you to identify the lie behind any temptations you face, so that you may emerge victorious from them. In Jesus Christ’s name!
Happy New Month +

Bishop Ide Transfers 10 (See Details)

Bishop Ide Transfers 10 (See Details)

Today, his lordship, the Rt Rev’d C E Ide, JP, our lord Bishop, transferred 10 clergymen and one proceeding on retirement leave, at the Appointment board meeting of the Diocese.

The Rt Rev’d C E Ide, JP

Those affected are:

1. Ven. I. D. Umukoro – proceeding on retirement leave from Ugborikoko Archdeaconry.

2. Ven. Paradise Onoriose – Agbon Archdeaconry

3. Ven. Isaac Itomu – Ugborikoko Archdeaconry

4. Ven. Sunday Ikpesa – Abraka Archdeaconry

5. Ven. Reuben Obegor – Agbon West Archdeaconry

6. Ven. Endurance Otobrise – Effurun East Archdeaconry

7. Ven. Terry Olokor – Warri Central Archdeaconry

8. Canon Stephen Ojukoko – Administrative Secretary

9. Revd Faith Aghe – Priest – St. Peter’s, Igbudu

10. Revd Amos Ekpere – Cathedral/Manager, Printing Press

11. Revd Godfrey Ohwobeno – Annunciation Church, Ohore II – Vicar

Bishop C. E. Ide Pays Courtesy Visit to University of Port Harcourt’s Vice Chancellor

Bishop C. E. Ide Pays Courtesy Visit to University of Port Harcourt’s Vice Chancellor

The Chairman of the Governing Council, Adam Igbudu Christian Institute, Emevor and the Bishop of Warri Diocese, Anglican Communion, the Rt. Rev’d Christian Esezi Ide, JP, paid a Courtesy visit to the Vice Chancellor of the University of Port Harcourt Professor Owunari Abraham Georgewill on Friday, 9th December 2022.

The solemn visit was to show appreciation to the Vice Chancellor and his management team for the good works they are doing since his assumption of office, especially on the wonderful relationship between the University and Adam Igbudu Christian Institute Emevor.

It could be recalled that earlier this year, a team of experts from the National University Commission (NUC) paid a resource verification visit to Adam Igbudu Christian Institute Emevor and subsequently made public the success of the exercise and the Commission’s approval of the affiliation of both schools.

The action of the regulatory agency on the affiliation of AICI to the UNIPORT was akin to a crown on the astounding efforts of both Institutions as attested to by the NUC officials….

Photo speak:

His lordship and the Vice Chancellor
The Bishop, Vice Chancellor and the entourage
From us in UNIPORT to our lord Bishop.
Let this word of God, guide you in all you do.

His lordship addressing the Vice Chancellor and his management team stated that, “we are not unaware of the common saying that ‘appreciation is application for an application for more’ but rather, we have come to say, in the serious of Cecilia Ahern, ‘thank you for the Yesterdays, today and the tomorrows that we await’ “. – Rt Rev C. E. Ide.

The Bishop leading prayers in the office of the DAP UNIPORT, Prof Ngozi Iheanacho.
His lordship addressing the Vice Chancellor and his management team.
The DAP UNIPORT, Prof Iheanacho, welcoming the Bishop and his team to the VC’s office and introducing the UNIPORT’s management team.
The Vision and the Mission …
Great joy in Diocese of Warri as Bishop Ide, gave out his only daughter in marriage

Great joy in Diocese of Warri as Bishop Ide, gave out his only daughter in marriage

Tues 28th may/1st June 2024 were two remarkable days to remember as the Bishop of the Diocese of Warri, (Anglican Communion), his lordship, Rt. Revd and Mrs C. E Ide, JP Joyfully gave their only Daughter, Christabel Ide to Meshack Enemanya in traditional Marriage at the Bishopcourt, Warri and Wedding at St. Stephens Anglican church off Jakpa road Effurun.

It was a colourful and well attended ceremony with the creme de la cream of the Society, Delta state and beyond.
Royal father’s including the Orodje of Okpe, the Bishop’s King were  in Attendance for both days.
Top Government Functionaries with the representatives of the past and present Governors  were also in Attendance.

Most Interestingly, it was a colourful Episcopal Service with the presence of the Archbishop/Bishops of Bendel province in Attendance.
The house of Clergy/ Wives were not left out.

It was all Pop and Pageantry as Guests were treated to a tasteful and lavish reception held at the Land of rest and New things N.P.A  express road off Chevron clinic Road Edjeba Warri.
All thanks to God Almighty for Making this Union a  reality. And thanks to those who worked tirelessly behind the scene, to make it a Success, may God bless you all abundantly..
We wish the Newly wedded Couple a Blissful and Happy Married life.

Bishop Ide appoints Canon Iyomih as Chairman, Agbon South Archdeaconry

Bishop Ide appoints Canon Iyomih as Chairman, Agbon South Archdeaconry

His lordship, the Rt Rev’d C E Ide, JP has appointed Canon Dr Benson Iyomih as the Chairman of Agbon South Archdeaconry and Vicar, St Luke’s Church, Kokori.

This came after the retirement of the Ven. Stanley Jehian, who was the Archdeacon of Agbon South Archdeaconry and Vicar, St. Luke’s Church, Kokori in January – but was granted an extension till June, 2024.  

At the Diocesan Clergy Bible study, held at Allsaints Church, Jefia, his lordship made the pronouncement of the appointment and transfer of the Canon Residential,  from the Cathedral Church of St Andrew, to fill in the vacant position as Archdeaconry Chairman and Vicar.

May God bless his ministry.




Due to the sudden clash of events at the Moshood Abiola National Stadium, Abuja, the Primate of the Church of Nigeria, Anglican Communion and the Convener of Joshua Generation International Youth Conference, The Most Rev’d Dr. Henry C. Ndukuba has approved the Change of date for this year’s JGIYC from 1st of April to 8th of April 2024.

With this, Joshua Generation International Youth Conference will now hold from Monday 8th to Saturday 13th of April 2024.

The Primate appeal to all to bear all inconveniences as the Church remains committed to the future of this generation and call for more mobilization across all Christian communities and Churches for this great gathering of young people.

Korede Akintunde
CoN Communication Officer