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The Rt. Rev. Christian Esezi Ide was born on Monday, September 21, 1959, at NIFOR (Nigeria Institute for Oil Palm Research), near Benin City in the then Mid-West Region, later Bendel State and now Edo State. He had his primary education at Isuiwa Community School, NIFOR between 1966 and 1972 where he obtained his First School Leaving Certificate.

In quest for further education, he proceeded to Edo Boys High School (Adolo College), Benin City in 1973 and graduated in 1977 with WAEC School Certificate. This was not without support from Institute of Continuing Education, Benin. He got the Nigerian Certificate in Education (NCE) from the then Bendel State University, Abraka Campus in 1986. Equally, he obtained B.A. (Ed) (English) from the same University in 1990. In order to increase his qualification and satisfy his academic zest he proceeded to the number one University in Nigeria, University of Ibadan in 1991 for a Masters Degree in Library Studies (MLS).

In fulfillment of the call earlier received, he gained admission into Immanuel College of Theology, Ibadan in 1993, and the same year he obtained his Masters Degree and graduated with a Diploma in Theology (Dip.Th) in 1996.

Talking about his call to the ordained ministry, it all started in 1979 when Brother Christian, as he is fondly called by his friends, accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and personal Saviour. As you know, God is more interested in our serving Him than what brought us to Him. In the case of our lord Bishop, it was on the sick bed that he vowed to serve the Lord if he is miraculously healed. After a few days, the sickness that defied all treatment was gone and never returned. In July 1996, he was ordained a Deacon and subsequently priested in July 1997. Both ordinations were by Rt. Rev. N.A. Enuku. His first port of call as a Deacon was St. Peter’s Church, Igbudu, Warri. Based on his strong burden to develop Christian teachers, he was posted to Christian Leadership Centre (now Adam Igbudu Christian Centre, Emevor) as Vice Principal where he also doubled as Curate at St. Michael’s Church, Emevor. Between January 1998 and December 1999 he acted as the Vicar of the same Church and as Superintendent of the then Emevor District. In January 2000 he was appointed the Acting Principal of Adam Igbudu Christian Centre and made substantive Principal in January 2002. Meanwhile in December, 2002 he was preferred Canon by the Rt. Rev. N.A. Enuku.

Uniquely, out of ten years of Pastoral work before his election as Bishop of the Diocese of Warri on Wednesday, 28 June, 2006 he did pastoral work in Emevor for nine years. His election was acclaimed the “hand of God” which came to deliver His people. His consecration and enthronement took place on August 20 and 23, 2006 at Christian National Centre, Abuja and the Cathedral of St. Andrew, Okere Warri respectively.

He is a member, Institute of Human and Natural Resources (IHNR), National Patron, Anglican Youth Fellowship (Nigeria) and National Patron, Girls Brigade (Nigeria).

This man of God is married to Mrs. Patience Okpako Esezi-Ide, an endowed Jewry to our generation and they are blessed with three godly children – Tega, Rume and Ebruba.