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Arise oh compatriots

Nigerian’s call obey

To serve our father land

With love and strength and faith

The labours of our heroes past

Shall never be in vain

To serve with heart and might

One nation bound in freedom

Peace and unity

Oh God of creation

Direct our noble cause

Guide our leaders right

Help our youths the truth to know

In love and honesty to grow

And living just and true

Great lofty height attain

To build a nation where peace

And justice shall reign


I pledge to uphold the name of my school

To be loyal and dedicated

To abide by the rules and regulations

To be a worthy ambassador of the school

So help me God


I pledge to Nigeria my country

To be faithful, loyal and honest

To serve Nigeria with all my strength

To defend her unity

And uphold her honour and glory

So help me God.


  1. A. G. S. O.   The sure foundation

Our Motto, Knowledge is Power

Nurturing our mind God’s Inspiration

Evergreen love, bound as flower

G. S. O.   A. G. S. O.

With heart and voice! We hail thy name

  1. G.
    S. O.   A. G. S. O.

Knowledge is power, we live to reign

A. G. S. O.   Christ is our corner stone

Grant us still thy burning zeal

Character training; mission above Salvation; our vision still Fill thy youth with manly spirit

Patient, self-restrained, and pure-

of thy cause the ready champion

so their triumph shall be sure

Chorus             s: m. r|d: – | l : s.c| s : – |

                        d: t.l| s:t. m|r: r | r:- |

                        s: m.r | d:-|l : s. f| s:- |

                       d: t.l | s: f. m| r :- D|d:-|




The Anglican Grammar
School is located along Eku-Sapele Road at Okpara Water side in Ethiope East
Local Government Area of Delta State.





The Anglican Grammar School, Okpara Waterside was founded on February 07, 1964 as a product of the Okpara Waterside community’s desire to ease the burden of their children going too far distant places to received secondary education. The people, therefore, sought to have a school in the community given the natural inequity in financial endowment of persons and growing competitiveness in getting placement in the then existing secondary schools. To achieve this purpose, the community approached the Late Rt. Rev. Agori-Iwe, Bishop of the Benin Diocese of the Anglican Communion (Then Comprised the whole of contemporary Delta and Edo states) through the then resident priest of the Anglican Communion in Okpara Waterside, the Late Ven. E. Arawore, for the establishment of an Anglican Secondary School in the community.

The school started with an intake of 19 students in class one. The Late Rev. Canon A. W. Bovi was the pioneer principal. He served for two (2) years (1965 – 1966), Rev. Paul Ozako served as the second principal from 1966 – 1967. After Rev.Ozako, Mr. P. E. Idiodemise was posted to the school as the third principal, and he served from 1967 – 1968. Thereafter, Dr. Bankole Akpate served as the fourth principal.

As one of the fallout of the tumultuous event of January 1966 and the events that followed, the school was taken over by the Government of Bendel State in the Mid 1970s in line with the policy of the Government of the time over private ownership of schools. The name of the school was subsequently changed from Anglican Grammar School, Okpara Waterside to Owhere Grammar School, Okpara Waterside.

The Anglican Grammar School, Okpara Waterside was born again recently when on October 27th, 2011, the Government of Delta State under Dr. Emmanuel Eweta Uduaghan as Executive Governor, returned forty (40) schools to their original owners through the machination of the Honourable Commissioner for Basic and Secondary Education, Professor Patrick Muoboghare.

The school was then officially handed over to the Present Bishop of Warri Diocese(Anglican Communion) Rt. Rev. Christian E. Ide.

The school officially and effectively started on January 9th, 2012 with Sir Oyobere Eruyome Uyoma as first, Rev. Samuel Okifo (Blessed Memory) as second and the resumption of Rev. Samuel Orezime Ewhoforama on 1st September,2016 as the third and present Principal. The first set of teachers employed to teaching the school after a keenly contested entrance/interview held at Mowoe Primary School, Warri are:

  1. Adjarho Kesiena – Vice Principal (Academics)
  2. Okoro Victoria   – (Mrs.)
  3. Golde Ochuko Rawlings
  4. Esiehor Okeoghene
  5. Emakpor Evelyn (Mrs.)


Okoro Ochuko, Akpoviri Wisdom and Efemini Benson who are church teachers were
employed to teach in the school. Rev. Emuakpeje Kingsley was appointed to be
the chaplain for the school and also Mr. Abogo Gibson was deployed to act as
the first Bursar and secondly Evang. Ezekiel Esasa the present Bursar.

Present staff

  1. Rev. Samuel Orezime Ewhoforama – Principal
  2. Mr. Success Oghenekaro _ Vice-Principal Academies
  3. Mrs. Evelyn Emakpor _ Vice-Principal Administration
  4. Evang. Ezekiel Esasa _ Bursar
  5. Mr. Okeoghene Esiehor _ Teacher
  6. Mr. Rawlings Golde _ Teacher
  7. Miss. Iroro Agborie _ Teacher/Female Hostel Mistress
  8. Mrs. Favour Oghenekobiruo Mowoe _ Teacher
  9. Miss. Jaho Philo _ Teacher
  10. Mr. Kingsley Ugbobiri _ Teacher/Games Master
  11. Emuobo Imonikoko _ Teacher/Asst.Female Hostel Mistress
  12. Mr. Princewill  Edoja _ Teacher/Asst. Male  Hostel Master
  13. Ememerha Felicia _ Teacher/Computer Lab Instructor
  14. Onoge Victor Esivwenoja _ Teacher/ Male Hostel master
  15. Odubu Nkechi _ Clerk
  16. Mrs. Enado Lucy _Cook
  17. Anighoro Patience _ Head Cook
  18.  Ago Augustina _ Cook
  19. Jackson Abedi _ Security Head
  20. Odjomo Felix  _ Security
  21. Otomewo Johnson _ Security
  22. Efemuaye Ejiro _ Security
  23. Joseph Efemuaye _ School Driver
  24. Oghenetega O. Rachael  _ School Nurse
  25. Okome Joseph _ Gardener
  26. Joseph Ejeta _ Gardener

On August 18th, 2012, the school conducted its first common entrance examination/interview and a total of 102 students passed. As at today the school is having 140 students, with 52 in the Boarding House and 88 day students.

The Anglican Grammar School, Okpara Waterside had a Management Board constituted by the Warri Diocesan Education Board to oversee the affairs of the school.

The members of the Board then are:

Venerable I. D. Umukoro   – Chairman

Venerable J. O. Okekporo

Venerable S. A. B. Ikpasa

Dr. M. A. Diakparomre

Mr. E. E. Unuajefe

Evang. F. O. Enado

Chief (Mrs.) R. Akoro

Venerable F. O. Ejemrae

Venerable (Dr.) A. M. O. Pessu

Chief Dame (Mrs.) R. R. Oghene – Diocesan Education Adviser

Professor A. M. Diakparomre

Arc. O. C. Enakarhire

Barr. (Mrs.) P. Ikpasa

Sir E. U. Oyobere – Secretary/Principal

(until his death, Chief W. T. Agborie (JP) was a member of the Board)

Since the return of the school to the Anglican Communion, the Diocese of Warri under the leadership of the Rt. Rev. C. E. Ide, has invested more than seventeen million naira in the restoration/ and rehabilitation of infrastructures which have made it possible for the early take off of the school.

PRESENT BOARD MEMBERS; The present Board members after the reign of Ven. Victor Onosemuode are;

  1. Ven. Friday O. Ejemrae – Chairman
  2. Dame Chief R.R Oghene _ Education Adviser
  3. Mr. Edward Unuajefe
  4. Evang. Enado Fidelis
  5. Dr. M.A. Diakparomre
  6. Prof. A.M. Diakparomre
  7. Rev. Samuel O. Ewhoforama _ Principal/Secretary
  8. Arc. Emmanuel Aguke
  9. Ven. Benedict E. Akpoguma
  10. Ven. S.A.B. Ikpesa
  11. Ven. Jonathan O. Okekporo (JP)
  12. Ven. Dr. R.M.U. Obegor


  1. The school is a member of Delta State Anglican Education Board an umbrella body of the Anglican Communion that oversees the management of the schools and formulates policies to guide all the schools.
  2. Member of Ethiope East Association of Private School Owners (APSON).



VISION/ Mission Statement:

Aims And Objectives of the School

The college is set up to fulfill those special and moral ethnics reminiscent of the old missionary school.

Thus the school is set up to revive moral values with the fear of God paramount in the minds of the children. The school is also set up to provide purposeful education which will provide all round development of the child.

In the light of the above the aims and objectives of the school could be listed as follows:

  1. To provide the children with the opportunity of developing their spiritual lives in line with moral standards emphasized by the church with a view of making them to stand shoulder high above children from other schools.
  2. To provide the children with quality education that will prepare them for higher education or provide basic statue for purposeful living.
  3. To apply the 3 magic words of PLEASE,SORRY and THANK YOU in their daily activities.


In line with the National Policy on Education, only students who have successfully completed their primary school career are eligible to sit for our common entrance examination.

Prospective students are tested at English Language, Mathematics and General Paper.

Successful candidates are made to attend oral interview with emphasis on ability to read and write. Candidates who are successful in the oral interview are thereafter offered provisional admission.

Admissions are confirmed on the payment of the recommended fees to the school account.


Information about fees to be paid can be obtained from the office of the Bursar. All fees are payable through the bank. Fees are to be paid before the beginning of the first day of every new term. After payment to the bank, parents should send a copy of the teller bearing the name and the class of the student to the bursar who will issue an official receipt.

Charges related to subjects requirement and levies like games fees, practical, Basic Technology, Home Economics, practical lessons for the science subjects are paid where and when necessary and they are not regarded as school fees. Those in (JSS3 &SS3) must pay the second and third terms school fees when they resume in the second term.


The Junior Secondary School is both pre-vocational and academicals. It comprises three classes, which are Jss1, Jss2 and Jss3, hence students are prepared for a total academic development of three domains (cognitive, affective and psychomotor). On the successful completion of this level, the student sits for the JSCE (BASIC) EXAMINATION, gets the JSCE result and proceeds to the senior secondary school.

The subjects taught in Jss include the following:

  • English Language
  • Mathematics
  • Basic Science
  • Agricultural Science
  • Social Studies
  • Christian Religious Studies (CRS)
  • Physical and Health Education
  • Basic Technology
  • Home Economics
  • Business Studies
  • Computer Science
  • Literature –in-English
  • Urhobo
  • Civic Education

Pre-vocational subject students are expected to choose two (2) from this group.


At this level, students are trained for higher academic pursuit. They are exposed to the art, science and social science. This lays the foundation for university education. The following subjects are taught in the senior secondary:

  • English Language
  • Mathematics
  • Agricultural Science
  • Biology
  • Economics
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Geography
  • Christian Religious Knowledge
  • History
  • Government
  • Commerce
  • Further Mathematics
  • Computer Science
  • Literature-in-English
  • Marketing
  • Data Processing
  • Civic Education


The school has the Bishop of the Diocese of Warri as the proprietor. A board of Governors is put in place to oversee the work of the school in general. The administrative staff includes the principal, vice principals and a team of management staff, the Guidance counselors, Bursars, clerical staff, typist(s), matrons and other non-teaching staff.


The school has virile parents/teachers association that has been of such assistance to the school. P.T.A levies for every new entrant and for every regular student per sessions are paid along with school fees through the bank.


The school has accommodation for a trained Nurse and a sick bay to take care of the health problems of students for 24 hours of the day and the St. Andrews Hospital at Okere Road., Warri for serious cases. In case of serious health problems, parents are to take responsibilities.


The school runs boarding, there are facilities for boys and girls, there are stand-by generators and boreholes to make students comfortable. There are staff quarters for the principal, vice principal, house master/mistress, chaplain and a matron in the school premises. Thus, there are enough staff on stand-by to supervise the students 24 hours a day.


  • Pajamas                                               (1)
  • Mattress – 6 Springs               (1)
  • Blanket                                               (1)
  • White bed spread                               (2)
  • Pillow (1) + 2 pillow cases
  • Good mosquito net                 (1)
  • Locker and padlock (1 each)
  • Touch light with batteries
  • Lantern                                               (1)
  • Slashing matchet                                (2)
  • Brooms (2) 1 Inside & 1 Outside
  • 1 set of cutlery
  • Aluminum plates (2 flat & 2 deep)
  • Drinking cup (silver or enamel)
  • Good raincoat/Umbrella                     (1)
  • Bathroom slippers (1 pair)
  • Suitcase or travelling bag       (1)
  • Toilet requirements (soap, sponge,toothpaste and brush)
  • School sandals
  • Holy bible, hymns (ancient and modern) and book of common prayer


The school has a number  of committees that operate at various levels. These include:

  • Disciplinary/student welfare committee
  • Examination committee
  • Sanitation committee
  • Labour committee
  • Hostel management committee
  • Staff welfare committee
  • Security committee
  • Admission Committee
  • Church Management Committee
  • Harvest/Thanksgiving Committee
  • Food Committee
  • Sports Committee
  • Prospectus/Year Book Committee


In addition to the emphasis placed on academics, the school also stimulates the interest of students in sporting activities and other extra-curricular activities like:

  • Jet club
  • Press club
  • Literary and debating society
  • Drama group
  • Choral/cultural group
  • Boys/Girls brigade
  • Girls guide
  • Scripture union/student fellowship


The ministry of Education, Asaba approved that the school should conduct the following examinations:

  • Junior School Certificate Examination(JSCE)
  • West African School Certificate Examination (WASCE)
  • National Examination Council (NECO)


Parents and guardians are allowed to visit their children and wards on every last Saturday of everymonth10:00am – 4:00pm. Students are not expected to meet their parents if they come on other days unless with express permission of the principal, House master or House mistress.


  • RE-OPENING DATE: The date for re-opening and closing of school for every term must be strictly adhered to.

  • ASSEMBLY:The school opens at 7:45am Monday to Friday. All students and teachers are expected to be on the assembly ground.

  • DRESSING:every student shall be neatly dressed in the recommended and authorized school uniform, wear simple sandals, put on white stockings, boys must always tuck in their shirts, and every student must be in school uniform during school hours. After school hours, students should put on hostel wears. No student is allowed to wear any coloured dress in the school premises.

  • LOITERING:Loitering within the school compound during classes is not allowed.

  • USE OF LANGUAGE: Use of Pidgin English is not allowed anywhere in the School premises. Also, no student must use offensive and foul language in the school.

  • EXIT:
    No student is allowed to leave the school premises unless on special permission,
    mid-term break and holiday.

  • DAMAGE TO SCHOOL PROPERTY: Any student who damages any school property must replace such property.

  • STEALING: Stealing of any kind is not allowed and any student caught stealing faces severe disciplinary action.

  • INDISCIPLINE:Rudeness to any member of staff or school authority by any student or group of students is forbidden. In addition, quarrelling and fighting by students is highly prohibited.

  • FAGGING AND BULLING: There shall not be a master/servant relationship between two students. Therefore, no senior student should maltreat a junior student. IF any, the senior student should be reported to the housemaster or house mistress or any other teacher that is available for proper disciplinary action to be taken.

  • ABSENTEEISM:If a student is absent from school for a week without permission or a letter from the parents or guardian, the school will send for the parent/guardian.

  • USES OF TOILETS: Toilets and bathrooms should be washed regularly; students must not defecate or urinate in unauthorized places.

  • SANITATION AROUND THE HOSTEL AND ITS SURROUNDING: Hostels and its surrounding are to be kept clean and tidy always and student’s bed should always be dressed with white bed sheets.

  • MORNING DEVOTION: It is mandatory for all students to be at the morning devotion.

  • SIESTA: Every student must observe siesta. Talking and moving about during siesta is not allowed.

  • EVENING SCHOOL LESSON/NIGHT PREP: It is compulsory for every student to attend lesson and night prep without noise.

  • DINING HALL:It is mandatory for all students to be in the dining hall during meals. Taking food to the hostel is not allowed. The dining hall and its environment must be kept clean always.

  • LIGHT OUT: After lights out, all students are expected to be on their beds sleeping.

  • SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICE: It is mandatory for all students to beat the worship service every Sunday. Scripture union meetings and other chapel services.

  •  EXTORTION:No student, especially senior ones should forcefully collect money, provision and any other item from any Junior student.

  • SAFETY RULES: Students must not use electrical appliances like electric iron, electric water heater, electric stove, electrical comb, rechargeable lanterns with musical attachment, naked light like candle, firewood etc. all cases of electrical faults should be reported to the school matron or housemasters/mistress.

  • ILLNESS:Any student who is sick should report to the matron for immediate action.

  • MOBILE PHONES: This is not allowed in the school.

  • PUNCTUALITY:  Students are to be punctual to all activities e.g. classes, devotions, dining, etc.

  • CULTISM: Any student found to be a member of secret cult will be summarily dismissed.

  • EXCURSION: The school usually arranged for excursion twice a year especially for Jss3
    students and this is mandatory for such studenet


  1. Onoge Victor Esivwenoja        —– (Chairman,Prospectus Committee)
  2. Favour Ogheneruemu Mowoe              ___Secretary
  3. Evelyn Emakpor                                 ____Member
  4. PrincewillEdoja                                  ____Member
  5. KingsleyUgbobiri                               ____Member