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Diocese of Warri Delta State is in the Ecclesiastical Province of Bendel, Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion)

Christianity invaded the geographical area of the Diocese between 1908 and 1910. Diocese of Warri was one of the Dioceses recommended for creation in the Synod of Benin Diocese that was held in St. Matthew’s Cathedral between 27th of May and June 1, 1972. Members of the proposed Diocese forwarded their application for the creation of new Diocese of Warri to the then Bishop of Benin, the Rt. Revd Agori-Iwe on the 3rd of July, 1975. during the Diocesan Synod held between July 5 and 10, 1975, the Synod was satisfied that the Diocese being asked for is desirable, passed it own resolution supporting the request, and asked the Rt. Revd Agori Iwe  the Diocesan to kindly  see to the creation of the said Diocese. The Bishop in his usual promptness wrote to the Provincial Synod of the Church of the Province of West Africa, through the Archbishop of the Province on the 8th July, 1975. At the Provincial Synod of the Province of West Africa held at Lagos University Campus in 1975, the Synod passed the motion for the Diocese of Warri to be created, thus the Diocese was officially created by the Province.

The Rt. Revd J.O. Dafiewhare was enthroned as the first Bishop on the feast of conversion of St. Paul, 28th January, 1980 after the crisis that enveloped the Diocese for three years was resolved amicably.

The Rt. Revd N.A. Enuku took over the see in April 1992 till March, 2003. After a period of  …………… of another three years of crisis the Rt. Revd C.E. Ide took over in 2006.

Warri Diocese as a child of destiny has in lips and bounds. A Diocese that started with two Archdeaconries has given birth to four Dioceses within three decade of her existence in spite of the several challenges she had contended with. The teaching ministry of the Church had given birth to several Schools ranging from the primary to secondary and a catechist training centre that is at the verge of upgrading. The healing ministry has also given birth to a full fledged Hospital, St. Andrew Hospital, Warri. The Diocese in its giant stride is also making roads in the area of investment, hence the establishment of Holy Trinity Press that has offered jobs to hundreds of members. The Diocese of Warri as a light to the World has opened a Mission School where members are being trained as evangelist missioners, and other area of their calling.