Lean on God to bounce back – Bishop Ide
It’s my prayer that whatever challenging situations you may currently be facing, may the Lord help you to lean on Him so as to bounce back (Acts 14:19-20). In Jesus Christ’s name! +Bsp

It’s my prayer that whatever challenging situations you may currently be facing, may the Lord help you to lean on Him so as to bounce back (Acts 14:19-20). In Jesus Christ’s name! +Bsp
…Elects new Clerical Synod Secretary
… Passes resolution to open her own MFB
On the 18th day of November 2023 will go down the history books as a memorable day for Diocese of Warri as she held a one-day synod, at St. James’ church, Oviorie Ovu.
The synod started with a Holy Eucharist service at 10am, with the Diocesan and President of Synod, His lordship, the Rt Rev’d. Christian Esezi Ide, JP, presiding. His lordship also delivered the sermon.
Theme: The Upward Way
Text: Genesis 28:12ff
He emphasized the need for the Diocese to move forward. He charged Synod delegates to resolve to be led by the Holy Spirit in the various areas we need to decide on today as the Diocese has no other option than to move to the next level.
“After the Eucharistic service, the plenary section immediately followed with the President of Synod presiding.”
The President of Synod informed the house of the need to gather for a day synod which is a practice in the Church of Nigeria, when there is an urgent issue that only synod can resolve.
Firstly, was the vacant office of the synod clerical secretary – this need arose due to the fact that the former synod clerical secretary in person of Ven. Dr Robinson Orido, has relocated to the United Kingdom with his family.
Secondly, the future of the Diocese in respect of having a sustainable investment that will benefit her.
His lordship also informed Synod that in line with the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) directive, all Dioceses are to be identified with the words ‘Diocese of’ preceding its name. As such, a resolution is needed to register the Diocese with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) as the “Diocese of Warri” (Anglican Communion). Following a voice vote, Synod unanimously voted in support of the ratification.
The President of synod, made it known to synod that synod cannot continue, without the synod clerical secretary, who also is a principal signatory and an incorporated trustee of the Diocese. An election was conducted and the Rev’d Canon Peters Agamugoro, Ph.D was elected the new synod clerical secretary.
The next concern, focusing on the Diocese’s future and its pursuit of a sustainable investment for the benefit of the Diocese, involved a proposal to establish a Microfinance Bank. Numerous discussions and informative sessions were conducted on this matter. After an extensive deliberation, both the houses of clergy and laity unanimously agreed to proceed with establishing the Microfinance Bank.
The proposed name for the bank is ‘Divine Stairway Microfinance Bank, as given by the Diocesan and President of Synod. The Bishop charged the committee to proceed with the preparations and set out the modalities for the bank to swiftly takeoff.
The annual Anglican Diocese of Warri “Manifest” kicked off yesterday at the Cathedral with his lordship, the Rt Revd C E Ide, JP declaring the event opened.
This year’s theme is “From glory to glory” with the text taken from 2Corinthians 3:18. The guest preacher, the Rt Revd Godfrey Ifeanyi Ekpenisi, the Bishop of the Diocese of Ika who spoke on the theme, dwelt on the topic Accessing God’s Glory.
Due to the covid19 protocol, the event was held at the Cathedral Church of St Andrew, Warri and broadcasted live to viewing centres across the Diocese and on the Diocesan social media platforms on Facebook and YouTube
At the Trinity Ordination held today at the Good Shepherd Church, DDPA, his lordship, the Rt Revd C E Ide, JP Ordained 1 deacon, 4 priests and preferred 6 Archdeacons and 7 Canons.
These are:
Revd Peter T. Omaweru was made a deacon.
Rev’d Michael Akakasi,
Rev’d David Adjehwenyo,
Rev’d Gospel Ajenakevwe and,
Rev’d James Egbe were Priested.
At the end of the service the following were preferred
Canon Dr Robinson Orido
Canon Monday Imonisan
Canon Dr Izunna Eze
Canon Terry Olokor
Canon Jiroro Dominic
Revd Samuel Ewhoforama
Revd Benson Ejedegba
Revd Peters Agamugoro
Revd Amos Imini
Revd Dennis Nnamani
Revd Cajethan Otti
Revd Innocent Ereridjere
Revd Douglas Emoefe
The 2nd session of the Thirteenth Synod of the Diocese of Warri will hold from Saturday 25th July to Wednesday 29th July 2020 at St John’s Anglican Church, Okpara inland. Details are as follows…
Saturday 25th July, 2020 – Diocesan Board Meeting 11am (For only the board members)
Sunday 26th July, 2020 10am: Synod Service
Monday 27th July, 2020 11am: The presentation of the Presidential Address aka Bishop’s Charge – which will be followed by the Launching. Thereafter, plenary will continue
Tues 28th July, 2020 8am: Synod sessions continues with presentations, reports etc
Wednesday 29th July, 2020 8am: Synod sessions continues to be concluded with the Synod closing service