Beloved in Christ, Easter greetings to you all in Jesus Christ’s name.

Our Governor has extended the stay-at-home order of Delta State by two weeks, beginning from tomorrow Wednesday, April 15.

In order that we do not go to sleep and give room for the enemy to sow weeds among the wheat (Matthew 13:25), we have drawn a roster to motivate us to continue to pray as a Diocese throughout the two weeks lockdown.

The prayer time is from 12noon to 6pm daily, excluding Sundays when we’re expected to observe our family Sunday worship.

Archdeacons/Vicars/Chaplains of Chapels are to organize their members in their various homes to observe the prayer time assigned to them.

Prayer points are to be raised as the Holy Spirit directs.

Endeavour to share this information as you receive it.

May the Lord hear our prayer and deliver us from the dangers that lurk around us in Jesus Christ’s name.
The Lord be with you! +