Our life may be the only version of Jesus that someone sees(Galatians 5:13b).
May the Holy Spirit continue to work in and through you; and bear fruit in you that reveals God’s love and goodness to others in Jesus Christ’s name. Happy New Month. Bishop Ide
When we walk through a season of uncertainty in life and God seems silent, we need to remind ourselves that God has good plans for us (Jeremiah 29:11).
It’s my prayer that whenever you feel blinded by fear and uncertainty, may you remember God’s promises over your life, and may testimonies follow. In Jesus’ name. Happy New Month. +Bp
When people look for evidence of the resurrection of Jesus Christ in your life, may they find it (cf 2 Cor. 3:2), in Jesus Christ’s name. Happy New Month +
We can enjoy perfect peace even in turmoil (Isaiah 26:3). May the peace of God, which transcends all understanding… guard your heart(s) and mind(s) in Christ Jesus “(Philippians 4:7)!
As you lift up your soul unto the LORD, may you triumph over your enemies (Psalm 25:1-2); and may they lose their self confidence (Nehemiah 6:16) as the LORD grants you success in your life’s endeavours. In Jesus Christ’s name.
It’s my prayer that whatever challenging situations you may currently be facing, may the Lord help you to lean on Him so as to bounce back (Acts 14:19-20). In Jesus Christ’s name! +Bsp